Sales Rep Reports Inaccurate - Sage 200

Hi there, 

I have force rep activated so every SO Invoice that goes out has a sales rep linked. However when I run reports by sales rep both in AR Sales analysis and Sage intelligence, a number of transactions are being grouped under no rep. Therefore the rep reports are not accurate as the reps are actually missing multiple transactions. 

The call centre gave me a method to link a rep to a transaction using audit trail and script in SQL, however this is one transaction at a time and wont work in this case as probably 60% of transactions are not reflecting the rep and we have a number of transactions a day. 

I have tried refreshing views but still no help. Kindly assist. 



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  • 0 in reply to Paulette Fortune

    Hi Paulette

    In a recent query I were involved in it was confirmed that the client's issues on Sales Rep related reports (which could also include reports by sales rep both in AR Sales analysis and Sage intelligence,) were due to data corruption.

    This matter is not a simple one to fix unfortunately and the following two strategies MUST BE  applied:

    A) Repeatability of query 

    1. Backup your company and restore as a new database name called  DEMO

    2. Now process a couple of transactions in the same way as you would have done one the live company. Use the same customers and Sales Reps that you noticed had those issues on the reports.

    3. Finally carefully test and analyze the results. Draw a conclusion and answer the question: Are you able to recreate the same issue?

    4. IF NOT:

    It means that the issues in the live company may have occurred randomly which makes this query even more trickier to fix.

    But consider the following possible reason:

    Random network drops occurring at one or more workstations at the CRITICAL MOMENT of processing invoices could lead to data corruption issues.

    However, in many cases the user may also observe an error message or perhaps their PC hanging at that moment of the network drop occur. You therefore need to ask your colleagues / relevant users about that 

    That means you can now at least get a handle on this query as network drops can be fixed by a professional IT technician that you can consult with. 

    B) Non-Repeatability of query 

    If you can't recreate: 

    It means that there may still be data corruption in the company that still needs to be fixed.  

    I really hope the above advice will soon help to resolve your query Slight smile

    Kind Regards
