Duplicate UserDictID and TableID in _etblUserHistLink


Evolution: V11.0.3

I am running into a problem where a Date UDF is being duplicated in the _etblUserHistLink table. This is not happening to any other UDF, and I would imagine the UserValue would be updated, and not create a new row with the same UserDictID and TableID. The UserValues may be different, but I am sure there should only be 1 row for each, and that row should be updated, but I could be wrong and this could be right. These transacitons are Sales Orders. If this is incorrect, please can you assist me with fixing this issue.



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    Hi Ryan 

    There is so much going on here and I have so many questions for you

    Please send me a private chat with your e-mail address and I'll then send you a meeting invite so we can discuss this query.

    In the private chat please also mention again the details of this query.

    Kind Regards
