SAGE evolution freedom api, Error in posting SalesOrderInvoice Specified Arguments was out of range of valid values


I am creating a customer invoices to sage 200 evolution version 10.1.2 xx,

I am using Freedom api and posting the entries over freedom rest api.

Here is the Request i made to this endpoint:  http:///localhost:5000/freedom.core/DEVELOPER/SDK/Rest/SalesOrderProcessInvoice

"quote": {
"CustomerAccountCode": "CASH",
"Description": "Hosting Fee",
"DocumentID": 0,
"FinancialLines": [
"AccountCode": "010-012",
"LineID": 0,
"Quantity": 1,
"TaxCode": 6,
"ToProcess": 1,
"UnitPrice": 50000.0
"InvoiceDate": "/Date(1700906865)/",
"OrderDate": "/Date(1700906865)/",
"Reference": "10512981573"

i am getting the following response error:

"HasError": true,
"ID": null,
"Message": "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.\r\nParameter name: count",
"OperationPerformed": null,
"ValidationErrors": []

Anyone having an Idea on what could be causing this error?

  • 0

    Hello Ombeni,

    I don't know if you got any assistance, I was facing same issue posting sales order in Freedom SDK version v9.0.1.39 , To resolve the issue I added OrderNo in the payload. This is the payload


        "SalesOrder": {
            "Lines": [
  • 0

    Hello Ombeni,

    I don't know if you got any assistance, I was facing same issue posting sales order in Freedom SDK version v9.0.1.39 , To resolve the issue I added OrderNo in the payload. This is the payload


        "SalesOrder": {
            "Lines": [