Execute a parameterized MS SQL Stored procedure via SIR Container

I'm using a parameterized stored procedure named sprptPaymentsTx having 3 parameters (vendor_ID, from_date, to_date) to generate the Payment Transactions Report. Test confirmed it working in MS SQL example  exec sprptPaymentsTx null, '20200101', '20201231'

In SIR Container under ODBC Driver SQL Server I created a new Data Container with Source Container Type of Stored Procedure initially with default parameter values such as:

1. sprptPaymentsTx (1, 01-01-2020, 12-31-2020 )

2. sprptPaymentsTx (1, '01-01-2020', '12-31-2020')

3. sprptPaymentsTx (1, '20200101', '20201231')

Test script return errors when Executing from Container:

The SQL Statement is not of type SELECT It is possible that the SQL could modify the database.