IRP5 Certificate Email Notification

Good Day,

Our Employees do not receive emails regarding their IRP5 certificates. They do receive emails about leave transactions and payslips. Please assist.

  • 0

    Hi James

    This could be as a result of the Tax Certificate Release Notification Trigger not been setup.

    On the Navigation Pane

    Expand:        Parameters

    Expand:        Notification

    Double click: Notification Trigger

    In the screen that will appear, you will see a list of all the predefined notification triggers, search for and select the Tax Certificate released (TAXCERTRELEASE) trigger. at the bottom section of the screen, you will see three tabs , Notification, Recipients and Trigger Event.

    Click on the Recipients tab, ensure that the Recipient selected is Employees affected (EMPLOYEEAFF) , if there is no selection, click on the blue employees affected icon and then click on the Generate email box.

    Click on Trigger Event , under System Object Field ID, ensure Release to Ess is selected and Comparison Operator is set to = and Value is set to Yes , if there is no selections made, please click on the New record icon.

    further to the above ensure that the Mail definition type is also setup correctly,

    On the Navigation Pane

    Expand:        Parameters

    Expand:        Notification

    Double click: Mail Definition Type

    in the screen that will appear, you will see all of the predefined Mail definitions, search for and select the Ess Tax Certificate (ESSTAXCERT) mail definition type and ensure the Default from  email address is the companies Email address.

  • 0 in reply to Clinton_

    Thank you!  Made the adjustment as suggested.