Performance Contract Step-By-Step Guide

Good Morning,

Kindly assist with a step-by-step guide to Performance Contract in WebSS. The technical bulletin does not explain detail especially after contract initiation, the steps that follow.

Thank you

  • 0

    Hi Takawira

    As each clients performance process differs we usually refer this as a consultation, as a complete client discussion needs to take place.

    Please advise if I can action this for you?

    Alternatively I can recommend training on the new performance contract for you. 

  • 0

    Hi Takawira

    As each clients performance process differs we usually refer this as a consultation, as a complete client discussion needs to take place.

    Please advise if I can action this for you?

    Alternatively I can recommend training on the new performance contract for you. 

  • 0 in reply to Heleen

    Hi Heleen,

    Is there no standard guide for a setup for the purpose of preparing a demo to a client. I have a document we received when the feature was introduced but did not use it in a practical way since i didn't have a client wanting it done in WebSS. Now, i would like to set it up within my test environment for the purpose of showing a client.

    PS: I already know how to setup Performance reviews in Sage 300 People as well as via WebSS. It is just this feature i need assistance on.

    Thank you