Security password specifications for User Login

Clients constantly receive queries from Auditors asking for password specifications for user login.

On the Navigation pane:

Expand                             Security

Double-click on                 Profiles

There will be an Active Directory and a Local profile. Double-click on the required profile. The Profile Detail screen will be displayed.

The Profile Detail screen:

Authentication Store: This field describes the authentication store to be used.

  • Active Directory: with this profile, you will have to provide your Windows username and password.
  • Local: with this profile, you will have to provide a username and password that must exist in the People database.

Session Token Expiry Hours: Specifies the number of hours before a user is required to re-enter his/her password.

Active Directory Authentication Store fields

Auto Logon: This checkbox indicates if Automatic Logon will be permitted for any user using the Active Directory profile authentication profile.

Validate Account Locally: Validate account locally refers to the authentication process when Active Directory integration is used.

Local Authentication Store fields:

Failed Logon Count: Specifies the maximum number of times a user will be allowed to enter an incorrect username and/or password before the user account is locked.

Password Strength: The complexity of the password requirement is set up here. The following options are available:

  • None: No password complexity is required.
  • Weak: The password must consist of a minimum of five characters.

  • Medium: The password must consist of a minimum of eight characters, containing at least two of the following:
  1. Uppercase characters,
  2. Numeric characters, and
  3. Keyboard special characters (for example, ! # $ % ^ & * _ + = -).
  • Strong: The password must contain a minimum of eight characters, containing at least one of each of the following:
  1. Lowercase characters,
  2. Uppercase characters,
  3. Numeric characters, and
  4. Keyboard special characters (for example, ! # $ % ^ & * _ + = -).

Password Expiry Days: Specify the number of days that a password is valid before the user is forced to enter a new password.

Password Reuse Cycle: This is only visible when the Password Expiry Days field is greater than zero. Specify the number of cycles that a user is not allowed to use the same password.