ETI not calculating new amount of R1500

Good day,

I have 11 company rules, of which 4 company rules are specifically set up for ETI, 3 of the companies are applying the R1500 to the employees but the 4th one is not.

This is also the only company rule with ETI carried forward, could this be the reason why it is not calculating the R1500?  Surely this should still calculate the R1500 and should form part of the ETI carried forward?

Your urgent attention would be appreciated.

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    Good day Karina,

    The carry forward ETI value  will not have an influence with the  live period ETI calculation on the company rule.
    This will require an investigation to be done in the ETI setup for the one company rule.

    We therefore suggest you engage with your consultant in thoroughly checking your setup.

    Thank you