Web Screens report printing process has changed in 2021 PU2

Web Screens report printing process has changed in 2021 PU2
Created on 01-18-2021 | Last modified on 04-09-2021


Web Screens reports were generated in preview automatically in the same browser tab. After installing PU2, by default, the Export Report screen will be loaded into a new tab in your browser for the user to select the export format for the report and the export file will be generated in the user's Downloads folder. To print a hard copy of the report, export your report to PDF first, then print it to a printer from the PDF.


Additional Print Settings

If you do not like to choose a different format to export to each time, you can force the Export Report function to just export the report using the default format selected, perform these steps:

  1. Find the web.config file from the \Online\Web folder.
  2. Open the web.config file with a text editor.
  3. Search for the key: ReportPromptForExportFormat
  4. Change the value to: False
  5. Save the change.
  6. Restart IIS.

If you want to change the report format to something else, perform the following steps:

  1. Find the web.config file from the \Online\Web folder.
  2. Open the web.config file with a text editor.
  3. Search for the key: ReportDefaultExportFormat
  4. Change the default format value 5 to the one of the format values from the list above.
  5. Save the change.
  6. Restart IIS.

Format values available:

  • 3 = Word
  • 4 = Excel format
  • 5 = PDF format (Default)
  • 8 = Excel record
  • 10 = CSV format
  • 13 = XML


This feature will be added to 2020.6 (PU6) also and it is expected to be released in August 2021.