Good day

I am having a difficult time importing my inventory CSV file from Excel.

They have sent me the template and it still does not want to import my data. An error message appears each time.

Please can anyone advise me?

  • +1
    verified answer

    Good day, 

    If you are receiving errors when importing, it means that your file does not have the correct format.

    For Sage 50c Pastel Xpress, please format the following columns to have three characters:

    Column U (Group Code) needs to be Numeric, e.g., 001 or 002.

    Column AC (Store Code) needs to be Characters, e.g., JHB or DBN

    U – Inventory Group

    AC – Inventory Store

    For this example, we will be using the Inventory Store column.

    Open the file in Excel, find the respective column (AC - Inventory Store in this case), right click on the column, and select Format Cells.


    In the Format screen, select Custom, and under Type, insert three zeroes (000).

     Save the changes before trying to import into Pastel. To import the inventory back into Pastel, click on file | Export / Import.

    Note: If you close and reopen the import file, the formatting will be lost; therefore, you will need to format the columns again before you try again.

    In addition to formatting the above-mentioned columns, remove special characters (*,#,",etc.) from your descriptions and ensure that the descriptions do not exceed 40 characters.

    If you are mapping fields when importing, please close the import file before you start importing.

    Please verify or reply and let us know if the solution provided helped in resolving your query.
