Importing multicurrency Journals and GL


When i import multicurrency journals e.g the supplier journal .the exchange rates appear wrong ......the incl value is divided with the converted amount to give a false exchange rate of 0.0006245 intead of 159.90

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    Hi Rufaro,

    The exchange rate you get is determined by the exchange rate option you selected under Edit | Exchange rates.

    The system lets you enter exchange rates relative to either the home currency or the foreign currency. The processing screens then show the rate in this format, and you enter the currency in the same format. You can use either method for each currency

    Assume your home currency is British pounds and that you use American dollars as a foreign currency. The exchange rate is $1.50 = £1.00.

    To enter the foreign currency's equivalent of 1.00 of your currency:

    Select the option to enter the foreign currency value equivalent to 1.00 in your home currency, which is the first option.

    Enter 1.50, since $1.50 (the foreign rate) is equivalent to £1.00 (your home rate).

    To enter your currency's equivalent of 1.00 in the foreign currency:

    Select the option to enter home currency value equivalent to 1.00 in the foreign currency, which is the second option.

    Enter .6667, since £1.00 (your home rate) is equivalent to .6667 US dollars (the foreign rate).

    You can switch between these methods at any time without having to re-enter the exchange rates. The system adjusts the values accordingly.

    I hope this helps.

    If the suggested answer helped in resolving your query, please click on verify Answer.


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