Customer Invoice - Characters in the description


Hi There! Please excuse if this has been asked before. 

We are a consulting firm and are required to include a lot of detail in our descriptions in our invoices to clients as it details what consulting work was performed. We are finding that the 100 character limit in the description is causing a real issue. 

One of our revenue streams is consulting fees, which we have raised as it's own account in SAGE and when invoicing clients, it is an account that is selected per line item on a customer invoice. 

We are required to list all our activities as part of the description which can often be more than 100 characters. Is there a way to expand the characters allowed per description as we now have to put in each sentence as it's own line item on the face of an invoice which looks messy and then creates a scenario where the first line has our total per invoice and then each subsequent one has zeros as it is simply a description detailing what made up the consulting fees we are charging for on line one.  

Please could you advise on the following:

  1. Is there a way to increase the characters allowed in the description?
  2. If (1) is not an option, is there a way to customize certain line items as having no quantity/rate/amount/VAT/ total and only a description on the face of an invoice. 
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