Not funny anymore - Slow system, response time

Dear sage team

I have been a user of sage since 2014, This downtime and latency issues is unacceptable! - Sorry but this could be the biggest threat to your business as people will flee and start looking for alternatives than to suffer the loss of productivity.

We cannot afford these losses and neither should we endure to have our business task restricted like this. Sorry, but this is unacceptable.

Also, the answer that your technical support is supplying is unacceptable. We need resolve ! not a pie in the sky estimate.

This is been going on for days... Undo what you have done ?

and if it is an issue with the South Atlantic 3 (SAT-3) undersea fiber cable which was damaged near Gabon, or the WACS was damaged near the Congolese coast, causing slow internet speeds across parts of Africa then Please I beg your organisation to please get a tier 1 Satellite backup link!

Where do we stand? and when is it going to be put back to the way it was? when the system was working perfectly!
