Accounting Integration


I know there is no integration available for Analysis Codes (only GL). Does anyone have any recommendation for a work around to extract data that I can import journals that will include the date, transaction (Salary, UIF, etc) and a department (setup as analysis code in accounting) linked to an employee. Any suggest would be appreciated. 

Thank you



Thank you for the reply. Although I am aware of how to export, then populate the analysis codes, and import again into accounting. I was more interested on how to get information out from payroll in order to allocate to the specific expense accounting, and the department (analysis code) according to where the employee works that I can import into accounting from the word go, and I am able to report correctly on the expense account per department.  

  • +1

    Good Day,

    Please note that you are able to export your current Journals and re-import them with analysis codes on (see examples below).

    Once you open up this file in Excel you will see that there is Analysis Code headings on there (see below).

    You can then add them in and import the journals again.

    Kind Regards