emails being blocked

 Good day- your email servers remain a HUGE problem!!  We all know we have to tell clients to please save our contact details and their servers must whitelist the addresses and our domains must add SPF records, check / uncheck boxes under company settings and and and.....- WHY ARE WE SITTING WITH YOUR BURDEN???  The issue is further exacerbated because MANY of the clients don't even receive the 1st email where we explain all this and we only know this once they or us start asking where invoices and payments are, we don't even receive a non delivery notice from YOU??!!

And then the fun starts = to try and get clients to do all of the above and even then it sometimes does not work!  Many of my clients are now asking that I please whatsapp their invoices - this means I must email their invoices to myself - save it on my computer, install and open the desktop whatsapp application so I can send the saved file as an attachment!!

I have 4 companies on your system and I am experiencing the same in all of them, every time I query I am asked all sorts of detailed questions regarding what time the emails were sent that was not delivered etc etc (just look at my client communications report when I give you access to the company - 75% of those emails!) and I NEVER get resolution - I am still waiting.  Even when I email support directly. The support answers randomly from a no-reply address if we are lucky in 3 months time and do not even bother to see what the history of communications are between us and very often just cuts and pastes a resolution and because it's from a no reply address, we cannot even engage with the person that supposedly "fixed" our problem!

So I am telling you now categorically, I have these email issues in all 4 companies with probably about 75% of my clients addresses, sometimes its the invoice not being delivered, sometimes the statements, sometimes both, in other words it is also not even consistent.  I know you had a breach of security a couple of years back and the problem was obviously made worse by that and it has not been resolved!  I have even gone to the whitelist site that you suggested in one of your answers, but sage is not even an options there - so I have requested from that site's support to please list you - also no answer from them - but I ask again - WHY IS THIS MY BURDEN TO FIX YOU IP BLACKLIST?

you may contact me on the cell 082 652 1794

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    Good Day EN Nel,

    We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced in this regard, we have put through a suggestion regarding Improvements to our Mail Server, currently we do not have an Estimated Time on this.

    Our Mobile application will however allow you to send Invoices over Whatsapp, the application has a "Share" feature added on. (This can be found on Play Store)

    Due to the fact that the email server is currently a one way server it is not possible to provide delivery reports, the Communication reports will only reflect that the email has left the server, alternatively the only option would be to export the Invoices and send them out manually using your own mailbox.


  • 0

    Good Day EN Nel,

    We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced in this regard, we have put through a suggestion regarding Improvements to our Mail Server, currently we do not have an Estimated Time on this.

    Our Mobile application will however allow you to send Invoices over Whatsapp, the application has a "Share" feature added on. (This can be found on Play Store)

    Due to the fact that the email server is currently a one way server it is not possible to provide delivery reports, the Communication reports will only reflect that the email has left the server, alternatively the only option would be to export the Invoices and send them out manually using your own mailbox.


  • 0 in reply to Zunaid

    Once again UNACCEPTABLE!  Your app is not user friendly especially when one wants to send multiple month end invoices!  It is small and do not have the same settings or options as the online desktop version....

    your time estimate for this issue has been almost 4 YEARS so far!?

    The only thing that has prevented me from discontinuing with your service, is the transfer all the data and history of my clients but I will actively make a serious effort now as it is becoming more and more cumbersome to use our service, I may as well do it manually anyway