We received the TERS payout to pay our staff for April and didn't pay any additional remuneration


Good morning, we received the TERS payout to pay our staff for April and didn't pay any additional remuneration. As a result, the tax calculated for some of the employees is negative for April. As I am unable to include a negative PAYE on my EMP201 return. Can you please advise how is the best way to deal with this? I was advised by Support Desk to make the PAYE Nil, now

SARS said the ETI cannot be more than the PAYE. Please assist.

  • +1
    verified answer

    Good day Faadia,

    Thank you for you support post.

    I am assuming that you paid the PAYE refunds to the employees in April.

    If so, you cannot make the PAYE Nil within Payroll, however when you capture your EMP201, you may capture a zero amount for the PAYE liability.

    As there is no PAYE liability, you will not be able to claim the ETI For this period, on the EMP201, as there is nothing to deduct the ETI from.  This ETI will thus be unutilised for this period, and will be captured as such on your EMP501 at Year End.  You will need to confirm with SARS if this can be carried over to your next period, in which PAYE is calculated.

  • +1 in reply to Jamie van Wyk

    how can I record code 5026