ETI Hours / Calculation issue

What would cause the hours to not calculate correctly, which is affecting the Monthly Equivalent and therefore ETI?

Between these 2 staff, setup is identical

Note, on he screenshot, i have overridden ETI of R599.53 - But i assume i will have the usual issue when doing the EMP501

ETI 2nd Min Wage / Actual              Monthly Equivalent ETI
Age Start Date Hours Basic Wage Completed
Y/N Year Rate / Hr   Remuneration (Remuneration) Amount
Y Y 25 02/11/2020 10.25 21.5000 4 800.00 4 901.25 76 507.32 599.53 N
Y N 25 27/04/2021 164.75 21.5000 4 000.00 4 178.13 4 178.13 1 500.00 N