IRP5/IT3 validation errors


Hi, please assist I am having error code saying no SDL reference number or company is Exempt but SDL has been calculated for one or more employees.

  • 0
    verified answer

    Good day, 

    All employers registered with SARS for employees tax purpose must register with SARS for SDL irrespective of being excluded from paying the levy. Your company should contribute to SDL if the total annual remuneration for the next 12 months is expected to exceed R500 000. The SDL reference number is the same number as the PAYE number, but replace the 7 at the beginning of the number with 'L'. 

    You can add the SDL reference number on the company details view. Select company and then select company details and then enter the SDL reference number in the required field. Then you can select save. 

    Once completed you can redo the mid year submission.