e@syFile EMP501 Status Dashboard : 1002 EMPL_TAX_CERT_INFO_INCOME_RECEIVED.NON_TAXABLE_INCOME invalidated with error code 1002

The following error message has been reported, after submitting the completed EMP501 Declaration for the reconciliation period 201808, and updating the EMP501 Status Dashboard:

"1002 EMPL_TAX_CERT_INFO_INCOME_RECEIVED.NON_TAXABLE_INCOME  invalidated with error code 1002 ", See example below.

At this stage, there are not details on what the message means and has been referred to SARS.

We will post more information as soon as we have received feedback from SARS.

  • Important notice!

    We have received feedback from SARS in regards to this message. The issue was not on the e@syFile software, but on the SARS back-end.

    This has been corrected by SARS, and employers do not have to resubmit.

    The status will be corrected, thus no further action will be required from employers