Sales taxes in the purchase invoice journal

In the purchase invoices journal, for some companies, I can tab into and type the amount of the gst and pst directly in the tax column.  But for other sage files, that option is not available and I have to click on the little icon to the right of the tax amount in the bottom right of the invoice and then click in the pop up screen to change the tax amount.  Added steps which takes additional time. I have set up most of my client files myself so it must be something that I am doing differently during set up but I have compared many files and can't find the source of the difference.  Has anyone else encountered this?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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    It is not likely something that you have done differently except to set up more than one tax. If you only have HST, for instance, then you would be able to enter the tax amount on the line item. If, however, you have two or more taxes then all changes have to be made in the bottom right tax screen. This is done so that you can make the decision as to which tax to change as the program can not decide this for you. Even if the code you use has only a single tax connected with it this method of changing will still hold.