Income Tax Payable


I got income tax refund $100 I posted Dr. 1060 Chequing acct.& cr. 2160 income tax payable but in the financial Balance sheet under income tax payable has a balance $100 which I think should show .00 Do I do instead of put cr 5680 income tax expense

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Mi Ling Yiu

    To adjust Income Tax refund wrong entry

    I go to general journal back dated to Oct 18, 2021 and make the adjustment by dr. 2160 Income tax payable  cr.5680 Income tax expenses then click process.

    It has this warning "the date for this transaction precedes the Fiscal Start date and will affect prior-year reports. It will also affect the current year's starting balances. Are you sure you want to continue?" 

    Should I click this process? Please advise.

