
Employee payroll info changing when assigning them to jobs

Posted By FormerMember

I am trying to update past employee paycheques to allocate the jobs they were on. However, from time to time, after or allocating the jobs, I hit the "Recalculate Taxes" button, and the financial compensation for that employee changes. Why is this happening?

  • 0

    Why do you the hit "Recalculate Taxes" button when you are only reposting because you had to allocate jobs? 

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    To be honest we don't have enough information to tell you why recalculating taxes would change the amount of the various deductions.

    eg. The original cheque date could be in Dec/17 and you have installed Jan/18 payroll tables = different tax tables, different EI calculations, etc.

    eg. Your original entry was manually adjusted prior to posting for some reason.

    So why are you trying to change the reality of what happened by Recalculating Taxes?  Hitting that button means you want the program to change the values based on new information entered as you are doing an adjustment because the new information would affect the proper tax deductions.

    However, you have stated you are just allocating to projects, not changing the actual payroll to correct the amounts.  So why recalculate?

    Sometimes it's better to just do this kind of thing using a General Journal entry to allocate the correct amounts to the correct projects.  Then you can calculate the entries by month and post one entry for each month and you will have a spreadsheet as backup.  No changes to the accounts would happen and no chance of changing a payroll cheque or altering the bank account/bank recs.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Morning, I have actually had where I was on vacation and someone filling in for me forgot to allocate the project/job and when I went into fix them, it would not let me post until I "recalculated taxes".  I never had a problem where it changed any amounts but I was stuck until I did that step. 

  • 0 in reply to Marj@Swab


    You do not have to "recalculate taxes" when the dialog box comes up it is more of a reminder that you have adjusted the cheque and if you did change any of the hours etc to do with the actual pay to the employee in most circumstances you would "recalculate taxes" But for allocating project/job amounts it is not a requirement. The dialog box will come up telling you to "recalculate taxes", so your first step is click okay to dismiss the dialog box and then click the post button, which another dialog box will ask you about cheque numbering and then after that it will post with out you having to click on the "recalculate taxes" button. Try it out in the sample company to see how it works.

  • 0 in reply to The Software Coach

    Hi I have done that but I have fixed  just the project and it has halted me and it wouldn't allow me to post.  However,  I haven't had to do that since July last year so it is possible the new updates fixed that and it doesn't do that anymore.  I guess I will find out the next time I have to fixed a project.  Thanks for  your feedback.