Search by Order Number

Is there a way to search for an order number? Our process of invoicing involves preparing a quote, after customer approval, the quote number becomes the "job number" which we use as a reference from that point on. Once the work is completed, we turn the quote to an invoice and the quote number becomes the order number on the invoice. Often the job we are working on requires additional work and the invoice that was previously created needs to be adjusted, and our only readily available information is the job number (order number on invoice). 

As far as I can tell , there is no way of searching an invoice by order number. Can anyone recommend a process of creating a job number that flows all the way from a quote to the invoice that can later be searched? I tried to set invoice and quote numbers the same, but they don't advance to the next number at the same time, so the numbers are no longer coinciding with each other.

Any suggestions would be great!


  • 0

    I have to admit that I am a little disappointed this is still an issue.  I was just asked about this by a client this morning.  Before this feature was released, I asked the Sage programmers to make sure all fields were searched.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.  There are about 5 or 6 that are missing that I am aware of.

    Your best option is to put the order number in the last line of the Shipping address if it is not being used.  All these fields are searched.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings

    Ok that's great. I did check that this method would tack the number through the process and it does, but I'm having trouble going back to search it now,,,where to I go to search the number in the last line of the shipping address?

  • 0 in reply to alg1
    where to I go to search the number

    The general search field in the upper right-hand corner of the main Sage 50 screen. 

    On Editions & Versions of Sage 50 with ODBC connectivity, It's also possible to use MSQuery or similar reporting tool to get a list of all past Sales Order and Invoice numbers for reference.