Paying a supplier with a financing company/credit card?


We have a supplier that we paid using a finance/credit card company. Do I pay the bill using the credit card account? I thought of paying the amount using the credit card account, then doing a journal entry and taking the amount out of the credit card and posting it to a long term debt loan account, since the financing is for 2 years. Is this too many steps? How do I treat the interest charges of 7%? Thank you! Natalie

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    Hi Natalie:

    If I understand you correctly you paid your supplier with your finance/credit card company. Have you set up your finance/credit card company as a credit card in Sage? If so, then the payment will be credited to the credit card company. When you make a payment to the finance/credit card company your payment will be debited to the finance/credit card company and credited to your bank. Initially, you would have to enter the supplier invoice into payables and charge it to the proper expense/capital item and taxes. The interest can be added to payables and charged to the interest account on a monthly basis or however you receive the amounts of interest due.

    Another way is make a journal entry charged to the proper accounts and credited to a long term loan account (you may have to create  a new ledger account). When you make your payments to the finance/credit card company, setup a vendor and charge to interest and principal/loan accounts and pay with your bank account or a credit card.

    I hope this helps! Please follow-up if you have further questions!