Line items/descriptions on vendor payment cheque stubs?


How do I print line items that are entered into Sage from a vendor invoice on the cheque stub for each vendor payment?

  • +1
    verified answer

    YOu cannot print line items.. the payment chq only prints the vendors invoice number 

  • 0 in reply to aberi

    This seems like a no-brainer feature that should be available 

  • 0 in reply to NBBookkeeper


    I was wondering if you don't mind have a discussion with me about this issue.  I have been asked this same question many times over the last 15 years or so and there has been only one case where it has been reasonable to create a solution for it (the solution is external reporting because as aberi said, you cannot do it in the program).

    Any solution within the program is something that is very difficult for the programmers to accomplish, so it is not really a no-brainer programming task even if it is a feature that seems obvious to exist.

    Can I ask why the information is needed on the two stubs?  (I am not suggesting you are incorrect in your request as I think I know the answer to this question but I am not going to mention it here unless you wish to continue this discussion.  However, below are some thoughts on the subject, right or wrong).

    1. From a logistics perspective, generally the ability to print the information from the purchase invoice on the stubs cannot be accomplished from a "general use" perspective.  I have clients that pay sometimes 20 invoices, each with 10-15 lines on each invoice.  Each 3.5" stub can handle only about 15 printed lines.  Even if the program could print stubs on multiple cheques, cancelling the cheque itself, you wouldn't want to waste 10-15 paper cheques to print just one.
    2. From the vendor informational perspective, the vendor knows what you bought by looking up the invoice(s) on their system but to record the payment, their bookkeeper only needs to know which invoice(s) you paid, if you took a discount and how much you ultimately paid on each invoice.  The rest is irrelevant to them (at least when I do the data entry, I don't care what was purchased, I only care if the invoices are paid in full).
    3. From your informational perspective, your system will tell you what you bought, and if you staple your cheque stub to the invoice(s) you paid, then you will also have a paper trail associated with the cheque entry in the books, filed (likely) by vendor.  If you authorise the purchases after the invoice is received (matching with PO's and packing slips if applicable), enter the purchase invoices, then cut the cheque when the time is right, we get back to my question above.

    Again, I hope you don't mind my asking about the reasoning behind your request.  I do not think your request is unreasonable or wrong.  I am wondering if there is an alternative way to accomplish the same thing, but we need to know what that thing is.