Sage SDK 2023: Method not found "System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'System.String Sage.Simply.Work.Repository.get_Func31()'.'"


We have a custom program developed that connects to the sage file and our ERP, and pushed the invoices into Sage. (C#)
Everything worked prior with 2022.3 SDK. Recently upgraded the software on all machines to Sage 2023.0, and had to install the SDK for our transfer tool.

I had to install .NET 4.8, and upgraded the application to be using that framework as well.

Now I am getting this error when trying to open the sage file.

"System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'System.String Sage.Simply.Work.Repository.get_Func31()'.'"

if (SDKInstanceManager.Instance.OpenDatabase(saifile, username, userpassword, true, "ww experiment", "SASDK", 1)) {
MessageBox.Show("Connection Success");
else { MessageBox.Show("Connection Failed"); }
catch (SDKException se) { MessageBox.Show(se.Message); }
catch (Exception sageEx) { MessageBox.Show(sageEx.Message); }
finally {

It is failing on the IF statement and pops up with the above error.

I have cleared the BIN, and all references to SAGE SDK, reinstalled the SDK and added the references again, (because I found a post about a rouge DLL lingering)

Any advice?

  • +1
    verified answer

    I have solved the issue.
    I needed to install the SACM = Simply Accounting Connection Manager now the Sage 50 Connection Manager onto the server running our transfer tool.
    Haven't had to have this installed before, but install Sage 2023, when the option is there Select SERVER ONLY and not Typical, and let the connection manager install.
    Once I did this I re-ran my application and it was able to connect and process as usual.

  • +1
    verified answer

    I have solved the issue.
    I needed to install the SACM = Simply Accounting Connection Manager now the Sage 50 Connection Manager onto the server running our transfer tool.
    Haven't had to have this installed before, but install Sage 2023, when the option is there Select SERVER ONLY and not Typical, and let the connection manager install.
    Once I did this I re-ran my application and it was able to connect and process as usual.

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