MIgration Support


I require technical support,  I have received error messages and not sure what to do next 

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    Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out. Since it looks like you are using Sage 50 CA, I am going to move this post to that Support Group so that other users of this software will see it and can offer you their thoughts and insight.

    To assist you further with the migration error, could you please provide the exact error message you've received? This will help us to identify the issue more precisely.

    In the meantime, if your error message states, "Could not connect to the Sage 50 Company Database," it's important to ensure that you have full accounting rights and third-party Read/Write Access. Here are some steps you can follow based on this Sage Knowledgebase article:

    1. Password Length: The Sage 50 CA migration tool only allows a 7-character password. If your password is longer than this, please adjust it to exactly 7 characters.

    2. Third-Party Access: Go to Setup -> Setup Users in Sage 50 CA, select 'sysadmin', click 'Modify', and ensure that 'Read/Write Access' is enabled for third-party applications.

    Please try these steps and see if the issue resolves. Let us know if this helps or if you have any other questions.

    Warm Regards,
