Accessing Sage 50 on your mobile

If you're new to Sage 50 and would like to access your information on your mobile phone, tablet or Mac then there's now a way to do that. 

You'll need:

  • The latest version of Sage 50 (Canadian Edition)
  • A subscription to Sage One (costs $12 / year). Call us on 1-888-261-9610 to get this.

Once you're up and running you'll be able to do the following from your mobile (iOS or Android)

  • Access Sage 50 contact information
  • Create and send invoices
  • Record expenses and purchases
  • Add new contacts, product or service information
  • You can learn more about the app here

If you're having trouble getting set up then give us a call on 1-888-522-2722 or see this You Tube video for a summary of how it works.

I hope you find this information useful


  • 0
    Keith - the customer support staff need to know more about this app! I spent 2 fruitless hours on the phone this morning chatting with numerous departments who do now know about this feature, how it works, or what it does. I watched the youtube video and it seems helpful and I think I will purchase it just to learn more. Do you have additional links to provide? I am looking for something that is a bit more restrictive so our drivers and sales team can invoice while out on the road but not have as much access as the youtube video indicated a person would have (ie I just want them to be able to access the customer, inventory, and pricing databases but nothing else)

    I am really glad I stumbled across this link though - thank you!
  • 0 in reply to Donna Tourand
    Thank you for your comments Donna. I'm sorry to hear about your frustrating experience, rest assured I'm on it to make sure this is not repeated.

    With regards to the mobile app, would I be able to speak with you directly to get more detail about what exactly you require? I'll then be able to very quickly tell you what you can and can't do using the user rights access capabilities of the product. My contact details are [email protected] . If you provide your phone number, or Skype details etc I'll contact you straight away.

    Thank you

    (Product Marketing Manager, Sage Canada)