Setting up Accounting Periods


We purchased this product last week and are having issues with set up. We got to the point where we thought we had everything set up, can enter invoices, vendors entered, able to print cheques, have our chart of accounts customized etc, but it seems we have missed something along the way. We use accrual based accounting and need to have the year broken into 13 periods.. when I look at my system settings there is a option to "Change to Cash based Accounting", which leads me to believe we should be set up as accrual based? Yet there is no mention anywhere of the process to set up the accounting periods.. I don't know if there was something I need to change for it to prompt me to do that, but I can't find it.

The primary use for me would be so that when I enter an invoice, I can assign it to a certain period.

I have called sage help contact and they are telling me this isn't a function it can do? I have read plenty of references that say it is capable of doing this, so that is my first question.. Can sage 50 prem. perform accrual based accounting? 

Is there something I need to go back and change to specify this?

A friend sent me a helpful guide she uses, except its for the US verison. In theirs it does state that once the choice has been made you cannot go back and change it (sue to IRS related law), could this be what I am running into?? In the US version it states that you would have to go and make a new company and restart the whole process if you made the initial incorrect choice.

Any input would be so greatly apprecitated!! 

  • 0
    In a nut shell, Yes it does do Accrual accounting. No it doesn't do 13 periods, only 12 periods.
  • 0
    I am afraid, the real nutshell is that by default, Sage 50 is setup as accrual based accounting. You can switch to cash-basis but that is only for certain industries and I would only do that on the advice of an accountant.

    13 periods is possible because Sage 50 allows you to post anything to any date within the year. You post to a date, not a period. It also allows you to run the income statement, balance sheet and trial balance for any date range you want, so to select the proper period, you just enter the date range you want for that period.

    Budgeting your income statement accounts has an option to budget based on 13 periods, though I've never used it nor tracked how it works in a real file.
  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings
    Thank you!! That is the most helpful answer I have received. So I am using the correct form of accounting, big relief, really didn't want to start over. Just need to learn the ins and outs of how it functions, I guess. I did discuss the budget period option with a phone tech, and that's not what we need from what I understand.

    So for example when I enter an invoice, with the data, and the invoice date, etc.. Where is my option to "post" these transactions?

    Cannot thank you enough!!
  • 0 in reply to easternfarmers

    The only difference between what you are doing and what the rest of the people using Sage 50 are doing is your financial reports are not always based on a monthly period.  You just have to be careful about what start and end dates you use.

    easternfarmers said:
    So for example when I enter an invoice, with the data, and the invoice date, etc.. Where is my option to "post" these transactions?

    I can't give you a definitive answer because your question is not specific enough.  So ask yourself, do I want to post a Customer Sales Invoice?  If yes, then open the Sales Invoices module.

    If the question is about a Vendor Purchase Invoice, then open Purchases.

  • 0 in reply to Richard S. Ridings
    Sorry, to clarify, that would be for a Vendor Purchase invoice!
  • 0 in reply to easternfarmers
    verified answer
    if you create an invoice dated March 7th, that is the date of the transaction, you can't choose a fiscal period (Sage doesn't have a concept of periods)

    you can run reports and filter by date of say Mar 1 - Mar 31 if this is your 3rd out of twelve periods

    now assuming you have 13 4-week periods, like this
    jan 1 - jan 28
    jan 29 - feb 25
    feb 26 - mar 24
    you can filter reports by date of say Feb 26 - Mar 24 if this is your 3rd out of thirteen periods