Trouble downloading the update 2024.1

I am having trouble downloading the latest update and I am trying to run payroll. The message for updating is the same as always, but it never seems to get passed that and is stuck in download mode. I've got images embedded below.

Nothing happens when I exit/backup and relaunch Sage 50. I have even rebooted my PC a number of times now. There is nothing arriving in my downloads folder at all to run 'manually.' So then I got to 'Check for Updates' again and I get the same messages... no update has been installed.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.


Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Kristine Griba

    This has nothing to do with company files.  This has to do with the installation of Sage 50 itself.

    If this version SA_20240CP1.exe has already been installed and has been opened since Dec, it should automatically download the next PUP file without opening a company file.

    If it is not downloading then maybe your license has not been renewed at the Sage registration server level.

    However, you can always download it from this website at this link.
