Build from Bill of Materials or Build from item Assembly


We are an automotive and small engine sales and repair shop. We bought some forklifts but it came as separate parts and on the purchase invoice they charge us by parts. I entered each single item in the inventory but now I don't know if I put them through the item assembly or bill of materials and exactly how to do it. We sell the forklift all assembled.

Thank you

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    Technically Bill of Materials and Item Assembly are identical, where Bill of Materials already have assemble component item setup and you just pick how many you want to build  (on assembled inventory item record's Build tab have all component item require setup), where as Item Assembly, you have to pick the components and the Assembled Items to build.

    so for frequently build inventory items better setup Item Assembly .

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    For that I would use Item Assembly, and save the first one as a recurring transaction.  Then if the others are slightly different you can edit the quantities as you go.

    Bill Of Materials is best where you want to automate a little - i.e. you sell a 'filter kit' that's inventoried as a half dozen parts but sold as one item.

    Item Assembly is better where the items / batches may be slightly different or use more or less labour.