Inventory Sub ledger out of balance to GL

Inventory sub ledger out of balance to GL.  Sub ledger is higher than GL.  Is there a way to post a one time entry to the Inv GL to bring into balance.  Over 4000 items so no idea what is the issue.


Top Replies

  • Over 4000 items so no idea what is the issue.

    If inventory starts out in balance, it should stay that way unless an entry is posted directly to the G/L (this can only be done using the…

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    How did this happen you are probably guessing? Someone may have posted to the inventory account through the general journal instead of the sales / purchase or adjustment module. Please make a backup of your existing data file before doing anything. I think you may need to figure out which is more accurate - the GL or the sub-ledger. Follow this KB afterwards:

    Hope this helps.

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    Over 4000 items so no idea what is the issue.

    If inventory starts out in balance, it should stay that way unless an entry is posted directly to the G/L (this can only be done using the Accountants' Edition software)

    Don't post any adjustment unless you are seeing a difference in the current (as of the last entry) balance.  The Inventory subledger to G/L can appear to be out of balance if any inventory item is changed after transactions are posted (i.e:

     - you change an item that has been used in transactions, from an Inventory to a Service Item,

     - an item is deleted,

     - an item is made inactive,

     - an item's asset account linking is changed (applicable only if you are using multiple inventory accounts) 

    Because inventory reports reports 'as of' a prior date won't show items that no longer exist under their associated account(s), the Inventory report total may not match up to the G/L 'as of' that date.  

    I hope that helps, I see that Dmaster has posted a link to the document on how to make adjustments.  I'm only cautioning that it's important to know whether it's truly out of balance, or only *appears* to be.