
EFT Direct

Posted By FormerMember

We are switching from Direct Payment to EFT Direct.  How do we create the EFT upload file?

  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Please refer to the site:

    Besides, have you figured out how your bank is going to charge you for Sage EFT service? I am in a big trouble of this. No answers from the customer support of banks. 

  • +1
    verified answer

    To create an EFT (*.DAT) file for upload to your bank, you need to have the appropriate module, and a service like RBC Express.

    First, select [File] > [Import/Export] > [Upload Direct Payments] > [Pre-Authorized Debits].

    This will take you to the U"Upload Pre-Authorized Debit Transactions".

    Select the correct date range (ie; June 1 - June 30).

    Select the "Show" drop-down list, and choose "Not Generated" (If you have generated an EFT file and will be adding to it, you will have to select "Generated" or "All")

    Next select all the transactions you wish to process, and select "Upload" from the bottom right of the window.

    You will then pick the date that these transactions will be withdrawn, and SAGE will automatically save an ARDIRECT.DAT file for you to upload to the bank.

    Good luck!

  • 0 in reply to CCBooks

    I have the payroll module and the RBC Express, File Transfer Service. My problem is that I cannot get past the Wordline Authentication Screen to save a .dat file.