making a journal entry


What information goes in the reference box, the description box, and the details box when making a journal entry.  And how does this information show up on reports?

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    Hi  ,

    When making a journal entry in Sage Accounting, the information that should be included in the reference box, description box, and details box is as follows:

    1. Reference Box: This should contain any reference number or code that helps identify the transaction. It could be an invoice number, a receipt number, or any other unique identifier.

    2. Description Box: Here you should include a brief explanation of the transaction. The description should be clear enough that anyone who reads it can understand the nature of the journal entry without needing additional information.

    3. Details Box: This section can be used for any additional information that provides context for the entry, such as details about the transaction, the parties involved, or the reason for the adjustment.

    These details in your journal entries will show up in your financial reports, providing clarity on the transactions recorded. They are essential for understanding the nature of the entries during audits or reviews and can be helpful when you're searching for specific transactions later on.

    Regarding your query on how this information shows up on reports:

    • The reference will usually appear alongside the entry in ledger reports and can be used to trace back to the original document if needed.
    • The description will show up in the transaction reports and is used to give quick insight into the entry.
    • Additional details may appear in detailed transaction reports or account transaction lists, depending on the report's format.

    Remember, if you're importing journal entries, they must be formatted correctly and use the same column headings as the journals template file. This ensures that all entries are imported accurately.

    If you need more detailed guidance, please refer to our articles on Importing Journal Entries and Editing a General Journal Entry in Sage Accounting.

    If you have further questions or need assistance with a specific entry, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

    Warm regards,