Sage 200 local server wi-fi vs. data cable

I'm having conflicting advice from Sage resellers as to whether Sage 200 can be used from local server environment on wi-fi. I have advice that it has to be used with a data cable/wired connection and is not supported otherwise, against other advice that running on wi-fi is acceptable and normal practice. Any views/confirmations either way please?

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    A lot would depend upon the speed of your Wireless LAN and the requirements of the individual user.  If the user is only doing basic enquiries then a slower (sub 100Mbps) wireless should be ok.  However, if the user is a more intensive user such as Order Processing and Stock Management or running a Month End, then either a wired connection of a faster Wireless LAN would be preferable.

    These observations are from our own experience/knowledge.

    If you look at the Sage documentation it does state a 1Gbps Ethernet connection is recommended.

    Hope this helps, even though it isn't a definitive Yes/No answer.


  • 0 in reply to Steve Brown_1

    Thanks Steve, we are running on:

    Dedicated Ethernet (Fibre) - ISP Gamma Telecom
    - 1Gb on 1Gb Bearer
    - 1Gb download / 1Gb upload

    So I'm surprised that we are not supported on wi-fi usage, but just wanted to see what other experiences of support stipulations were.

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