Sage 200 local server wi-fi vs. data cable

I'm having conflicting advice from Sage resellers as to whether Sage 200 can be used from local server environment on wi-fi. I have advice that it has to be used with a data cable/wired connection and is not supported otherwise, against other advice that running on wi-fi is acceptable and normal practice. Any views/confirmations either way please?

  • 0


    A lot would depend upon the speed of your Wireless LAN and the requirements of the individual user.  If the user is only doing basic enquiries then a slower (sub 100Mbps) wireless should be ok.  However, if the user is a more intensive user such as Order Processing and Stock Management or running a Month End, then either a wired connection of a faster Wireless LAN would be preferable.

    These observations are from our own experience/knowledge.

    If you look at the Sage documentation it does state a 1Gbps Ethernet connection is recommended.

    Hope this helps, even though it isn't a definitive Yes/No answer.


  • 0 in reply to Steve Brown_1

    Thanks Steve, we are running on:

    Dedicated Ethernet (Fibre) - ISP Gamma Telecom
    - 1Gb on 1Gb Bearer
    - 1Gb download / 1Gb upload

    So I'm surprised that we are not supported on wi-fi usage, but just wanted to see what other experiences of support stipulations were.

  • 0 in reply to Ian Abrahams


    That is a slightly different question to the original, as this seems to refer to your Internet connection as opposed to your LAN.  This brings into play the latency on the Internet connection and potentially the contention ratio (though this may be 1:1 if you have a dedicated connection).  The latency is the time the server will take to response to a 'ping' (sorry if this is a case of teaching to suck eggs). Typically a LAN connection will have a < 1ms response time, whereas a ping via an Internet connection to the same server can be considerably longer (mine is about 30 times longer when pinging over a tunnel).

    So are you talking about a connection from outside of the corporate LAN?



  • 0 in reply to Ian Abrahams


    That is a slightly different question to the original, as this seems to refer to your Internet connection as opposed to your LAN.  This brings into play the latency on the Internet connection and potentially the contention ratio (though this may be 1:1 if you have a dedicated connection).  The latency is the time the server will take to response to a 'ping' (sorry if this is a case of teaching to suck eggs). Typically a LAN connection will have a < 1ms response time, whereas a ping via an Internet connection to the same server can be considerably longer (mine is about 30 times longer when pinging over a tunnel).

    So are you talking about a connection from outside of the corporate LAN?


