
Auto Refresh please!

Why the manual click to refresh and see current data? What are the limitations that make this necessary?

Can this be changed (or made optional - but why would you not want to?) so whenever a change takes place the refresh function happens automatically and the data you see is current.
Having to manually click "refresh" after every change can cause confusion and is an unnecessary step. 

  • I'd also like to see a truly live auto-refresh. For instance, I am in SOP most of the time, but don't necessarily use it - so I have to press "refresh" to see the refreshed view, even when Auto Refresh is ticked. 

  • Lee, what do you mean by a "truly live auto-refresh"? All the list refreshes will be on a timer basis, ie after so many minutes or seconds. If you increase the refresh frequency, you will consume processing power on the client machine and you will increase the workload on the SQL server because each refresh requires fetching the data from the server.

    If you are wanting to have it refreshed after each save you make in SOP, that's fine but what about other users updating SOP? Are you wanting your list to refresh every time any user amends anything relating to an SOP?

  • Lee, what do you mean by a "truly live auto-refresh"? All the list refreshes will be on a timer basis, ie after so many minutes or seconds. If you increase the refresh frequency, you will consume processing power on the client machine and you will increase the workload on the SQL server because each refresh requires fetching the data from the server.

    If you are wanting to have it refreshed after each save you make in SOP, that's fine but what about other users updating SOP? Are you wanting your list to refresh every time any user amends anything relating to an SOP?

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