Making Tax Digital - VAT Submission Issues

To help your Making Tax Digital submission run smoothly, we've compiled a short list of articles that address the issues Sage customers have reported.

  • FormerMember

    I have tried all day to send a VAT submission via Sage Accounts - but it just takes me to a page asking to interact with the software.  An hours conversation with HMRC has confirmed that it is not at their end but it is a Sage issue.  Two hour chat with various reps at Sage and the problem is still there .  The Sage adminstrators do not have a clue!!  SEND HELP PLEASE

  • FormerMember

    I have tried all day to send a VAT submission via Sage Accounts - but it just takes me to a page asking to interact with the software.  An hours conversation with HMRC has confirmed that it is not at their end but it is a Sage issue.  Two hour chat with various reps at Sage and the problem is still there .  The Sage adminstrators do not have a clue!!  SEND HELP PLEASE

  • in reply to FormerMember


    Thanks for using Sage City.

    Can you provide a screen shot of the page it takes you to please?

    What is your Version number showing as in Help > About?

    What is your Variant showing as in Help > About?

    Are you submitting under MTD? If so, have you registered for MTD with HMRC? If so, have you activated the MTD function in your Sage software?



    Sage UKI

  • in reply to Paul Morgan

    I had the same nightmare with Sage so will be moving to Zero before the next VAT Returns are due.

  • in reply to FormerMember


    I guess normally this happens if you have firewall and/or antivirus running on the background on the PC through which you are trying to submit the VAT. Simply temporarily disable the antivirus and submit the VAT through Sage. It will go through normal and once submitted you can enable the antivirus again.

    Hope it will help.