AE PAPDIS report

Can anyone tell me why the AE PAPDIS v1 report appears to deduct £112.00 from each employees Pensionable Earnings? Thank you
  • Hi Ann,

    I assume that £112 pensionable earnings is incorrect for your employees.

    If so, you can click here for help with troubleshooting incorrect pension contribution values.

  • Hi Paul
    The pensionable earnings figures on the papdis report are different to the pensionable earnings on the 'pensions-current' report (which are correct).

    The papdis report deducts £112 from all employees, and this week it has capped some of the employee earnings to £715.00 when their actual current pensionable earnings are higher.

    Kind regards
  • Hi Ann,

    Do you have the full name of the papdis report please? Also, is this a standard report or one that has been created for you?

    What are the steps you follow to run the papdis report in the software?

  • Hi Paul

    The report is - AE Report - PAPDIS v1 downloaded from Sage. I followed the save instructions given to me by Carl Copley on the 21 September 2016.

    I process the payroll, and update it before running the report to export to Excel.
    For week 29 our processing date is 20/10/16 so I set the report processing date criteria as 17/10/16 - 23/10/16. I then check the details of the excel sheet against the pensions current report.

    Kind regards
  • Thanks Ann.

    I’ve had a look into this and there are a number of different reasons as to why the AE Report – PAPDIS may differ to the Pensions Current report and other reports, e.g. dates, set up of the pension scheme, etc.

    Our Support team will be able to investigate this fully for you. You can contact them on 0845 111 5555 or via web chat.