Auto Enrolment pensions


We have a new employee, aged 21 who earns over the £833 per month. Being 21, he is Non-eligible in terms of auto-enrolment pensions, however, when processing the payroll, Sage has automatically deducted pension contributions from him, seemingly ignoring the fact that he is only 21 and would only join the pension scheme if he opted-in (which he has not done). We have managed to sort this out, but are concerned that this could happen again with other employees? Any ideas as to what has caused this and anything that we can do to prevent this happening again?

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    Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for using Sage City.

    We wouldn't expect an employee to be auto enrolled without meeting the required criteria. If this should happen again, in the first instance, I would recommend checking Pensions tab in the Employee Record and double-checking the Status column to see if it refers to auto enrolled or manually enrolled. If this shows auto enrolled I would suggest contacting Sage Technical Support so they can look into this further for you. Contact Sage Technical Support >


    Sage UKI