• Timesheet Zero Hours staff when furlough ends in October

    I have 1 member of staff on a zero hours contract who has been told they are unfurloughed as of 30th Sept and will be working variable hours in October. They are paid in arrears so the hours they record on their October timesheet will be paid on November…
  • Calculating Average Hours

    Is there a report on Sage which can calculate an employee's average hours worked/paid over the last tax year? This is required to calculate the usual hours for flexible furlough claims.
  • P45s issued in previous tax year in error

    Our paternership with 11 employees nearing the end of the tax year was having to cease trading due to corona virus as it is a nightclub, and was in process of being sold to new employers who wanted to keep the staff on. Had issued P45s to all employees…
  • Furlough or not.... assistance needed, please

    Hi All We have a new employee, contract started 9th March 2020, however as their March pay was not FPS (RTS) submitted until 25th March (after the Government guideline date for furlough), at present we have said NO to furlough. Can anyone advise or…
  • Furlough job retention scheme

    Hi I am about to make my first furlough claim through the job retention scheme but I am unsure how to process a claim for weekly staff who are paid in arrears. E.g. the working week Sunday 26th April - Saturday 2nd May was processed through payroll…
  • Furlough payments

    I have used the furlough module to calculate payments....100% earnings are correct but Furloughed earnings have come out way lower than expected on a few staff, not sure if this is correct?