• Nominal Link between payroll and Sage 50 crashing causing corruption

    Hello I am having problems with Payroll and the sending the nominal link to Sage50. There is no rhyme or reason or when or if it will happen, but when it does it causes errors, corruption and I am having to re-enter all back to the latest backup. The…
  • Covid-19 Support

    I have to say that the support during this time from Sage is not great. Apart from repeating government information nothing has been given. No update to automatically change the software to include a Covid-19 SSP or Furlough Absence/Payment type,…
  • Include nominal link postings when using the rollback function

    Currently, the rollback function doesn't include the ability to post nominal link journals to Sage Accounts which would reverse the journals regarding the payroll transactions being undone. Instead, the necessary journals must be calculated and entered…
  • We want you for Sage 50 Accounts Beta Testing|uk|ireland

    Are you interested in seeing the next version of Sage Accounts before it's released? We're currently recruiting customers to take part in a beta testing programme, to gather valuable feedback about one of the pieces of exciting work we’ve completed…
  • Customer spotlight -50 Accounts and Sage Cover puts Ian E Racing on the podium|uk|ireland

    ''I can manage my accounts no matter where I am in the world” Ian Emberton runs a successful business building and tuning racing motorbikes. Here, he explains how using Sage has simplified the way he does business... Tell us a bit about your business…
  • Monday Motivation: remote working

    Do you work from outside the office? While it can offer a range of benefits, it can also bring challenges. You can find you miss out on things: access to information, social interaction and information about developments and strategy. We offer advice…
  • Moving data to new server

    Sage is currently installed on my laptop and everyone connects via 365 at present. We have purchased a storage device to act as a server so that we can network it and everyone can connect directly. On the website is recommends installing the Data Service…