Changing an employee's pay frequency



How can I change an employee from a 2 week pay frequency over to an existing monthly pay frequency in Sage payroll?

Thank you.

  • 0

    Hi Denise,

    Thank you for using community hub.

    In SBC Payroll you can only swap between weekly and monthly pay frequencies.

    The time to change from a 2 weekly to monthly is at tax year end, before any processing happens in the new tax year.

    At that time you can also delete the 2 weekly pay calendar if it is no longer needed.

    More information in the article links below.

    Change how often you pay an employee

    Delete unused pay calendars

    Kind regards,


    Sage UKI

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    Hi Nigel,

    Many thanks for your response.

    Just to clarify does this also apply if it is only one employee and there is already a monthly payroll set up with 4 other employees and this one employee just needs to be moved on to it also.



  • 0 in reply to DeniseB2022

    Hi Denise,

    If the 1 employee on the 2 weekly pay cycle has been paid even once on that pay cycle, then they can't now be moved until payroll year end.

    If the employee hasn't been paid as 2 weekly:

    1. Select the Employees tab
    2. select the employee record
    3. From the Employment Details section, change the Pay Cycle from 2-weekly to Monthly.

     The system stops you from changing the pay cycle if the employee has already been paid on the 2-weekly or 4-weekly pay cycle.

    Kind regards,


    Sage UKI