Have you ever been asked to obtain a Trace File from a Sage X3 environment but have not been able to get access to the Server's filesystem?
Well, you can do this using the Usage > Usage > X3 Storage Areas (AVOLUME) when connected to the appropriate Folder.
For example, standard Trace Files are written to the Folder's "TRA" Volume and start with "F" and end with extension ".tra". You can see all the available files by clicking on the elipsis to the left of the "TRA" and selecting "File list":
In addition to the usual Trace Files, you may have been asked to enable additional Tracing with "OpenLog". These Trace Files are written to the specified Volume - again, typically "TRA". In this case, the files start with "x3diary" followed by the X3 User and ending with "tra" - for example
If you've been asked to create a Trace File via Administration > Usage > Logs > X3 Session Logs, then you'll find that these are written to the runtime\logs directory. Unfortunately, this directory is not normally set up as a Volume so you'll have to set it up explicitly - please follow the steps outlined in the following Blog: Creating Storage Areas for the Masses. For example, set up a new Volume RLOGS and you'll need to specify the appropriate directory such as "D:\Sage\X3ERPV12\runtime\logs" in configRuntime.json and AVOLUME:
These files have the date and time stamp followed by adonix, flag-value, X3 User, ProcessID, X3Session Log Name and instance with file-extension .tra:
The nice thing is, you can filter the file-list as well
Of course, AVOLUME can be used to access other files, but you might not have thought of accessing Trace Files in this way.
I hope this helps you in your investigations.