Prepare to be measured ...

1 minute read time.

Many companies are feeling the strain of current economic conditions. This strain often increases pressure on the "selling part" of a business. Business owners are looking for innovations from the sales team to "find" the revenue. The trouble is enthusiasm for new innovations is often low when working in tough times - it's just a push to "find the deals". Planning for & executing best practices or innovations goes by the wayside.

So, articulating the benefits of a proposition is a key skill. It's not enough to say "here's a great CRM tool, where can we make it fit ?" It is all about proving where software can make a difference - in terms that really matter - Increasing Revenue, Avoiding Costs or Improving Service. Returns that can be shown to be objective, detailed and quantifiable.

Linking back to some of my thinking in previous "cheese moving" and "remembering your proposition" posts now, more than ever, is the time to be measured. How do you make sure you think in terms of benefits ?

Understand the current processes in a company. How long do typical activities take to complete ? How many steps & people are involved ? What does that add up to in time ( & money) ? How can they be improved - looking not just at direct costs but also the risks of lost or incorrect steps along the way. Now think about CRM tools & how they can improve upon the current situation. What is that worth to a buyer - in terms that really matter - Increasing Revenue, Avoiding Costs or Improving Service ?

Shape your conversations to those discussions. Talk about the returns, the money saved or the value created. The return that will "keep on giving" each & every day. Show a tangible return on investment, with real savings that can be measured in months, not years. Help the company commit to a well defined project that demonstrates tangible improvements to current processes. And be sure to engage the "selling part" of the business - find a group of salespeople willing to innovate to achieve for themselves and ultimately, their company.

Be prepared to be measured.

-= David

  • Hi David,

    Some very good points there and something that we at CRM Together try to articulate about our Accelerator product for Sage CRM. We do have to show that there are real tangible benefits to the software

    -increasing the speed of how user interact with Sage CRM (time saved).

    -Improved collaboration with our tweet functionality (improved internal networking)

    -integration with outlook (improving tracking customer interaction) name a few

    Of course your existing customers are your best customers and Accelerator provides Sage CRM partners with a real value enhancing product that they can return to their customers with and generate revenue in this tough times. The cost benefit to the partners is that they are not cold calling(time saved), they know their customers and how they think and if they are going to make a purchase or not.


    Marc Reidy

    CRM Together