Quote "discount"

In CRM when creating a new line item in a quote, certain products in certain price lists (not all) automatically discount. As you can see the difference between the list price and the quote price. Can someone assist me in locating where this discount is stored so I can remove it. I'm guessing there was a need for it at one point in time but no longer.

  • 0
    I apologize, my screenshot did not accompany this post
  • 0 in reply to Matthew Sherman

    Hi Matthew,

    To include images in your post, click on Reply and then click on the "Use rich formatting" link that is located right under each reply box.  

    You will see an Enhanced Text Editor appear.  Choose the Insert/Edit Media button (highlighted yellow above).  A pop-window will appear which will allow you to browse to the location of the file containing the image you would like to post.  Once you have located the file, click on the Insert button and the image will appear in your post where your cursor was last placed.  You can continue writing additional text or you can post your reply, which will now contain your selected image.



  • 0 in reply to Matthew Sherman

    Hi Matthew,

    To include images in your post, click on Reply and then click on the "Use rich formatting" link that is located right under each reply box.  

    You will see an Enhanced Text Editor appear.  Choose the Insert/Edit Media button (highlighted yellow above).  A pop-window will appear which will allow you to browse to the location of the file containing the image you would like to post.  Once you have located the file, click on the Insert button and the image will appear in your post where your cursor was last placed.  You can continue writing additional text or you can post your reply, which will now contain your selected image.


