How to populate the opportunities list on load from My CRM


Help please!  I believe there is a way to do this.  However, I have forgotten how.

When you open a list from My CRM, nothing appears on the list until you hit the filter button.  Is there a way to get the system to load the data automatically without having to hit the "Filter" button.  

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  

Thank you!

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    In Administration -> Customisation -> Opportunity -> Screens open the opportunity filter box you need to set a default value on the field, so assuming you wanted it to show only in progress oppos, you would do put this in the createscript: DefaultValue= "In Progress";

    I recall in older systems, to force it to filter on load you sometimes had to duplicate the statement 2, sometimes 3, times:

    DefaultValue= "In Progress";DefaultValue= "In Progress";DefaultValue= "In Progress";