Sage CRM 2022 R1 Custom Entity - Saving a document logs user out of CRM


I used the Sage CRM 2022 Advanced Customization wizard to create a new main entity.
When trying to add a document to the entity the user is logged out on clicking the save button and a strange URL appears in the logon screen - ..CRM/eware.dll/<meta%20name=
I have replicated this on a CRM instance with sample data.
Any ideas on where to look?

  • 0

    Post the code of the generated page that adds the document. I suspect there is a problem in the code that was generated. The code created by the custom entity wizard isn't bad and gives you a good starting point, but there is room for improvement with it.

  • 0

    Post the code of the generated page that adds the document. I suspect there is a problem in the code that was generated. The code created by the custom entity wizard isn't bad and gives you a good starting point, but there is room for improvement with it.

  • 0 in reply to Vega

    Hi Vega,

    Thanks for replying.

    I'm not sure which page code to post as the page that the Save button is on (first screen in my original post) does not seem to be page of the generated asp pages that reside in CustomPages\CustomEnt folder.
    It has the following URL:

  • 0 in reply to GaryyJ

    Hi Gary

    It looks like that there is a malformed url.  Look for something in the ASP page that has 'blank' anywhere - it think this is likely to be in code that defines target for an action e.g. target=“_blank”

    This HTML is used to make a hyperlink location open in a new browser window or a new tab depending on the browser, version or user settings.