Sage CRM 2022 R1 Custom Entity - Saving a document logs user out of CRM


I used the Sage CRM 2022 Advanced Customization wizard to create a new main entity.
When trying to add a document to the entity the user is logged out on clicking the save button and a strange URL appears in the logon screen - ..CRM/eware.dll/<meta%20name=
I have replicated this on a CRM instance with sample data.
Any ideas on where to look?

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  • 0 in reply to GaryyJ

    Hi Gary

    It looks like that there is a malformed url.  Look for something in the ASP page that has 'blank' anywhere - it think this is likely to be in code that defines target for an action e.g. target=“_blank”

    This HTML is used to make a hyperlink location open in a new browser window or a new tab depending on the browser, version or user settings.