
Is it possible for the SID in SAGE CRM to be stored as a cookie instead of being stored in the URL?

Kind regards Thilo

  • 0

    Hi Thilo

    Why do you want that?  Sage CRM is designed around the SID being included in the URL.

  • 0 in reply to Sage CRM

    we want to use our Phonesoftware (Xphone) as a CTI Solution. Xphone is able to generate a link out of the CRM Database. With the SID in the URL we are not  able to open the customer side with that link. To use an other CTI Solution ist not what we want.

  • 0 in reply to Thilo Lange

    How does Phonesoftware (Xphone) work?  Is this a browser extension?  A browser extension can search open tabs to find a tab containing a Sage CRM and then read the URL parameters including the SID. Browser extensions then have the ability to interact with the browser's tabs and access the content and properties of those tabs.

  • 0 in reply to Sage CRM

    No Xphone ist not a Browser extention. We need to have the SID with cookie. Is tat posible or not?

  • 0 in reply to Thilo Lange

    An idea for you...

    In CRM itself inject a js file and store the SID in a cookie (or localstorage)

    Then create an ASP page that will read that cookie/localstorage and then build the url you need and redirect with the SID in the querystring.

  • 0 in reply to CRMTogether

    that will not work. The only way would be to have the SID only as cookie and not in the URL. It seems that SAGE CRM is realy bad for use with external CTI. 

  • 0 in reply to Thilo Lange

    Hi Thilo

    I want to make certain we each understand what we mean.

    My understanding is that you are using a CTI programme call XPhone. I have no idea how that works.

    I know that Sage CRM uses a Session ID (SID) to maintain a session for its main user interface. A SID is obtained either by logging on via the main users interface or via SOAP webservices.

    My understanding is that you want Sage CRM store a SID in a cookie so that XPhone can then build URLs to make calls to Sage CRM.

    I assume that you want to do this to "screen pop" or to be able to carry out actions using the SOAP webservices.

    It is possible to create a cookie from within Sage CRM's screen and make it accessible to another web application. That can be done using JavaScript.

    But cookies are domain-specific, so they can only be accessed by applications within the same domain or a parent domain.

    Would Sage CRM and XPhone share the same domain or a parent domain?

    There are potential security implications when working with cookies, especially when dealing with sensitive information like Session IDs.  Have you considered how you would follow security best practices? What measures will you take to protect the privacy and integrity of the data stored in the cookie?

  • 0 in reply to Thilo Lange

    Then you would have to use the CRM self-service COM api and bake in your own auth/security. Maybe you can limit requests by IP address or put in your own auth layer. You do lose some features on this though and creating links to open CRM is one. But you could at least query and get the data.